Lesbian BDSM Mega Bundle Read online

Page 3

  “You know what I want,” breathed Sarah. She was breathing rapidly now, excited by an unspoken communication between the pair.

  “Then beg for it,” purred CJ, relaxing back on her hands.

  “Please CJ, please may I,” whispered Sarah.


  “Please may I eat your pussy?” I caught myself before I gasped, slamming my hand over my mouth. I knew that I shouldn’t be watching this intimate moment, but I couldn’t look away. My thoughts were burning with a curiosity that I couldn’t identify, a need to know see more. I stepped back slightly, sinking deeper into the shadows.

  CJ lifted her left leg, angling her foot so that her painted toes were pointing at Sarah’s face. With tender care, she hooked her big toe under the satin blindfold and lifted it off the other woman’s head, flicking it down to the floor beside the bed. Then she tenderly stroked her sole over her wife’s cheek and tilted her head to the side as she studied the kneeling brunette. “You may,” she breathed, then added, “take your time. I’ve had a hard week.” She leaned backwards on her elbows and parted her legs invitingly.

  Sarah’s face appeared to relax at this explicit permission. She leaned to the side, rubbing herself on CJ’s foot, then turned her head and began to kiss and lick the wiggling toes. I heard CJ moan softly, a low sigh of enjoyment as Sarah’s slow attention commenced. I leaned forward, attempting to get a better angle, driven by a faint instinct that I didn’t yet recognize.

  The kneeling blonde lifted up onto her knees, her arms still folded behind her back, then began to slowly tease her way up CJ’s toned calf to the crook of her knee. She appeared to be completely engrossed in this sensual journey. Her eyes were tightly shut and her dark nipples were rigid and firm, sitting atop her heaving, pert breasts.

  Distantly, I felt a surge of adrenaline within myself. This was the first time I’d ever seen two women together, and I was intrigued by the erotic dance that I was witnessing. I squinted, straining to see more, fighting the rising feeling of shame and guilt that threatened to engulf me.

  Sarah’s worshipful ascent continued, her ruby lips touching lightly up the blonde’s inner thighs, each tender kiss provoking her wife and amplifying her desire. CJ was lying back on the bed and her hands were roaming over her body, caressing her stomach, her neck, her breasts. Then she shifted her weight and reached behind her back, deftly flicking the clasp of her bra open and sliding the delicate black lingerie off her breasts. With a casual toss, she threw the bra behind herself in my direction and it hit the door with a soft thud. I jumped back and raised my hand to my mouth again, suddenly sure that I would be discovered. But the two women were lost in their own intimate world of tender kisses and neither one looked in my direction.

  I returned to the crack in the door and continued my voyeuristic observation. My mind was awash with conflicting feelings: a deep, burning shame at what I was doing, mixed with an intense, glowing curiosity. But there was something else, something deeper and bolder. A growing bud of warmth that had taken root in my pussy and was pulsing with a gentle throb. I recognized the feeling, but chose not to acknowledge it, not yet able to face the implications of its inviting presence.

  Finally, Sarah reached her destination and CJ shuffled her body forwards. With an unspoken understanding, CJ lifted her bottom off the bed and Sarah reached up and hooked her fingers into the waistband of her wife’s lacy panties, then slid them down her long legs. She smiled broadly, gazing down at CJ’s naked body, stroking her slender fingers along the blonde’s firm thighs.

  Suddenly, she raised her head and looked in my direction, tilting her head to one side and furrowing her brow as if in deep concentration. I gasped, sinking back into the shadows and trying desperately to remain perfectly still, resisting the temptation to run and never stop.

  Still staring at me through the crack in the door, Sarah opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, then caught herself. Instead, her face softened and she blinked three times. Then a knowing smile spread across her face and she casually licked her lips.

  Beneath her, CJ moaned insistently, and Sarah turned away from me to look at her wife. She bent her back and lowered her head, positioning her mouth on CJ’s pussy.

  I sighed, simultaneously relieved that she hadn’t alerted CJ to my presence, and intrigued by the unfolding scene before me. I stepped forwards again as Sarah began her work, craning my neck to see everything that I possibly could.

  I studied the two women: CJ sprawled back on the bed, her long legs spread wide. Her head was tilted to the side, eyes tightly shut, and her hands were roughly squeezing her full breasts. Meanwhile, Sarah’s head was lodged firmly between her legs. I could see her hair, her eyes and her nose, bobbing up and down rhythmically, lost in a world that I could scarcely imagine, but was intensely curious about.

  As I watched, Sarah snaked her arms around CJ’s thighs, locking the other woman’s legs around her head, her feet resting on her back. CJ moaned out loud. “Ahh,” she purred, exhaling deeply at the unfathomable feelings that were flooding through her body.

  I found myself wondering what it must be like. What it felt like to have another woman between my legs, her soft tongue lapping at my aching folds. Did it feel wrong? Did it feel sinful? Did it feel.... good? And then I flipped my thoughts, picturing the scene from the other side, being so close to a woman’s pussy, to want it so much that I was prepared to touch it with my tongue, my lips. To my surprise, I did not recoil from the thought, did not push it away. Instead, the forbidden consideration thrilled me and I felt a sudden surge of pleasure pulse out from my pussy, causing my entire body to tingle pleasantly.

  In the bedroom, Sarah was moving faster now, her head rising and lowering with an ever increasing frequency. Meanwhile, CJ was writhing, her feet stroked back and forth on Sarah’s back, her chest was heaving up and down with every deep breath. Her mouth was open, full lips moist and gleaming in the dim light of the room. “Faster, faster,” she moaned, lowering her hands to grip Sarah’s head and direct her movements.

  Gradually, CJ began to move her hips, grinding her pussy against Sarah’s face. In turn, Sarah surrendered to this change, lessening her motions and allowing her lover to use her as she pleased. CJ gripped Sarah’s head tightly, drawing her inwards, locking her hungry mouth on her dripping pussy.

  I looked on, scarcely able to believe what I was seeing. Two women, locked in a dance of sensual congress. They appeared as one, a single creature revolving around the central core of CJ’s pussy. They were both moaning now, two voices joined in a harmonious chorus of utter pleasure. I longed to join them, to feel their soft skin against my own, Sarah’s eager tongue and CJ’s rough hands.

  Suddenly, CJ cried out. Her spine arched upwards and her head pushed back into the bed. The tiny tendons on her neck strained and pulsed, and her mouth fell open in a silent scream. As the orgasm erupted, she pulled her wife tighter into her, locking her pussy on her lover’s mouth, sealing them in this perfect moment of sexual release. She froze in place as the furious energy raged within her and I began to wonder if she might injure herself, such was the visible tension in her naked body.

  And then she relaxed, appearing to deflate before my eyes. Her body went limp, legs and arms falling lifelessly beside her, releasing Sarah from between her thighs.

  The petite brunette gazed over her wife’s shattered body and smiled, then slithered up onto the bed with cat-like grace, wrapping her legs around CJ’s and laying her hand on the other woman’s breasts.

  I stepped back, breathing heavily, heart pounding in my chest. I’d seen enough and had to leave. With tiny steps, I tiptoed down the hall and found my way to the tiny bedroom. Then I collapsed on my bed, face down, unable to move, my mind raging with unfamiliar thoughts and peculiar urges.

  Sleep didn’t come easily on that sultry night. For endless hours I lay awake, staring at the ceiling, wishing for a light breeze through the open window, something to extinguish the new flame th
at burned within me.

  But nothing would quench that raging fire. Ignited by idle curiosity and fanned to its peak by my rampant imagination, it burned within me. I found myself unable to think of anything beyond the stolen memory of what I’d seen. The velvet softness of Sarah and CJ’s skin, the soft rise and pert firmness of their breasts, the long sweep of their naked legs. I thought of Sarah, her head bobbing up and down as she lost herself in the delicious sex of her statuesque wife. I thought of CJ, towering over her kneeling lover, commanding her to give pleasure and take it in equal measure. And I imagined me, caught between them, our limbs wrapped together, our bodies touching, tongues dancing between us.

  As I lay there, wrestling with the insistent longing that pulsed in my loins, slowly but inevitably I came to the conclusion that my simple life would never be the same again.

  Chapter 3

  For the next week, I tried to put the memory of what I’d seen out of my mind. I found it hard to reconcile the sordid scene with the feelings that it conjured up inside me, the way that it played over and over inside my mind, haunting my dreams and my waking thoughts alike. These urges were alien to me, and unwanted, they rubbed against every instinct that my upbringing had given me and I hated myself for them.

  As luck would have it, after seeing CJ and Sarah and their intimate encounter, I found myself with the house largely to myself. CJ was away on business for the week, a long conference in Las Vegas that she seemed genuinely excited to attend. Meanwhile, Sarah was busy with her own projects, spending most of the time in her crafting room and emerging only to eat and sleep. She seemed preoccupied with something, but it was not something that she wanted to share with me so I didn’t pry.

  It was early evening on the sixth day of CJ’s trip and I was about to finish my work and retire to my room for a well deserved rest. Suddenly, from down the hallway, Sarah called my name. I looked up and put down the feather duster that I was using to dust the pretty artefacts in the living room, then hurried across the house to attend her.

  She greeted me with a warm smile. “Oh, hello Leanne. Say, I’m beat… would you be a darling and run me a bath?” she asked.

  “Of course. You want it now?” I replied, happy that it wasn’t anything more sinister. I found myself remembering the way that Sarah had appeared to look directly at me, the faint certainty that she knew I was there, watching the pair of them together.

  “Yes, I’ll be right in,” she added.

  I turned and walked to the large bathroom across the hall and began to fill the round tub with warm water. This was not an unusual request. Sarah liked her baths and took them regularly, spending hours in the soapy water, reading books on her Kindle and sipping white wine.

  After a few minutes, Sarah joined me in the bathroom. She was naked but for a delicate, white satin robe. She smiled at me warmly and approached the tub, swirling her hand in the deep water.

  “Will that be all?” I said, preparing to leave her to it.

  She turned and looked at me, a strange expression flashing across her pretty face. “N-no Leanne, I’d like you to stay,” she said quietly.

  “I… okay,” I said, not entirely sure what she wanted me to do.

  “Help me out of the robe Leanne,” she said and turned her back to me. I stepped forward, suddenly feeling very nervous and reluctant. I wanted to leave, to scurry back to my room and pack my bags, returning to my straightforward life that was a world away from this strange situation. But I didn’t. Instead, I stepped up behind her and reached around her arms, gripping the soft satin and sliding it back over her shoulders.

  I exhaled deeply, thrilled at the warmth of her skin and the proximity of our bodies. I didn’t know where this was going, or what I was doing, but the presence of her was enough to set my heart beating fast.

  She stood before me, completely naked, then stepped forward to the edge of the bath. She held up her hand to me for balance, and I took it, gripping her slender fingers with nervous trepidation. To my surprise, I found that she was trembling. With my support, she lowered herself into the tub, immersing herself in the warm water and soapy bubbles until her tiny breasts were covered.

  “I saw you the other night,” she said, from out of the blue, “watching us, I mean.”

  My mouth hung open and I found myself rocked sideways by the statement. It seemed half revelation, half accusation, and she fixed me with her intense glare and studied me for a hint of a reaction.

  I considered denying it, pretending that I didn’t know what she was talking about. Instead I remained silent, mute and dumbstruck, unable to say anything.

  She sat back in the bath and swished water over her chest and shoulders. “Did you enjoy it?” she said, no longer looking directly at me.

  I shuffled back and forth and touched my fingertip to my mouth, hating the scrutiny and the feelings of guilt and shame. “I’ve…” I began, searching for the words that would make this go away. “I’ve never… seen… that before…” was all I could manage.

  She turned to me and smiled, seemingly enjoying my discomfort. Then she moved her body gracefully across the wide tub and leaned against the side, arms crossed under her chin.

  “Take off your clothes and join me,” she said, gesturing at the bath.

  I felt myself blushing furiously, squirming on the spot and wishing that a hole would open up and swallow me. “I… I can’t. CJ…” I stammered.

  “Don’t worry about CJ. This is between you and me,” she purred, fluttering her eyelashes.

  “I don’t know,” I said, backing away slightly. Inside me, a war raged. Two conflicting emotions, locked in a frantic struggle. My outright revulsion at the thought of what she was proposing, the very idea repulsive for so many reasons; and a deeper, newer, more insistent feeling. One that I dared not face, dared not acknowledge, but could not ignore. It was a compulsion born in the long, sleepless nights following my inadvertent voyeurism and incubated in the steamy dreams that followed.

  “You want to, don’t you?” she whispered.

  I looked at her, steadying myself and inhaling deeply. “Yes,” I breathed, my voice tiny and fragile.

  She pushed back from the edge and leaned her back against the far side of the bath, inviting me forward. I reached behind myself with trembling fingers and unzipped the black dress that I wore, and untied the white apron. I wriggled my body and allowed both to fall to the floor, then kicked them aside. I suddenly felt very exposed, standing before Sarah in my bra and pantyhose. I wrapped my arm around my breasts, a vain attempt to protect my modesty while I stepped out of my flat shoes. I turned my body away from the bath and unfastened my bra, letting it fall down my arms to the floor, not yet ready to show myself to her. Then I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of the pantyhose and slid them over my hips and thighs, along with my panties.

  Finally, I was completely naked with my back to the tub. I could feel the weight of her stare on me, studying me, eyes flicking over my back and my ass, down the slender line of my legs. I felt terrified and invigorated in equal measure, thrilled to be so exposed and vulnerable, but deathly afraid of the step I was about to take. With a final deep breath, I turned and stepped over to the tub, still covering my breasts and my pussy with my hands.

  “You’re nervous, I like that,” she said as I stepped into the water.

  I lowered myself down, unable to look her directly in the eye. I coiled my legs and arms close to me, reluctant for our bodies to touch, even by accident. Then she shifted and pushed herself forwards and positioned herself beside me. I felt the warmth of her body next to mine and her quick breath on my skin. I shied away, turning my body so that my back was towards her.

  She responded by wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling herself against me. I gasped as her slick skin touched mine, the gentle firmness of her breasts nudging me. I could feel her hot breath on my neck and her fingers gripping my upper arms, roaming up and down, every tender touch sending jolts of electricity through my body.
br />   “This… this is wrong…” I protested, knowing that I sounded half-hearted at best.

  “Is it?” she breathed in my ear. “Does this feel wrong?” she said and leaned forward to lightly kiss my neck. I sighed, exhaling deeply as a surge of pleasure raced through my body.

  “N-no,” I replied, unable to move, unwilling to move.

  “What about this?” she asked demurely, and flicked her tongue up the length of my ear, then nibbled lightly on my earlobe.

  “Ah, ah,” was all I could say. From far away, I became aware of an insistent throb between my legs, a dull ache that demanded attention.

  Sarah lifted her head from my ear, and shifted herself, coiling her arms under mine and around my body until her hands found my breasts. I gasped, thrilled by the slick friction of her skin on mine and the sudden enveloping warmth on my rigid nipples. Then she began to tenderly massage my sensitive tits, gripping the hard nubs between her thumb and forefinger and squeezing gently. All the while, she kissed at my neck; delicate pecks that incited my passion to new heights.

  Slowly, I found myself embracing these new feelings, allowing her to manipulate my body and heightening the feeling of lustful desire that was washing through me. Suddenly, I turned myself. Swinging my legs around, I wrapped my limbs around her body and faced her. Our faces were inches apart, both breathing heavily, studying the other as a lioness studies her prey. We lingered there for an eternity, our moist lips close to touching but neither of us daring to take the leap, wishing only to prolong this moment of perfect tension for as long as we could.

  And then, as one, we found each other. Lips pressed together with hungry intensity. I felt her tongue flick over my lips and I realized what she wanted. I parted my mouth, allowing her access, pushing my own tongue out to meet hers. We found each other and danced together, each one of us desperate for the taste of the other. I shifted my body, moving my hands up to grip her head, sinking my fingers into the damp, dark curls and holding her in place while my hungry mouth explored her.