Lesbian BDSM Mega Bundle Read online
Page 7
The hour arrived and passed, and I began to think that maybe Anna had backed out, had decided that hearing from me was enough and she didn’t need to see any more. But just as I was beginning to relax, there was a sharp knock on the door and I sighed deeply.
From the hallway, I hear the tap-tap of soft heels on the wooden floor, dainty steps that I recognized as Sarah’s. The large door swung open and the low buzz of friendly conversation and gentle laughter drifted into the room. I couldn’t make out the words, but I instinctively knew that Sarah was being her usual affable self, putting Anna at ease with a light touch on her upper arm or a brief flutter of her dark eyes.
After about a minute I heard more footsteps. Then silence. I readied myself, unsure what to expect. Suddenly, a voice from the living room. “Leanne,” came CJ’s voice, “your friend is here!” She sounded, for all the world, like the mother of a teenage daughter, telling her child that a dashing prom date had arrived. And I felt just as nervous, fussing with my dress and wondering what the night would bring.
I exhaled deeply, stood with trembling legs and composed myself. Then I stepped out into the hall and headed for the living room and my strange fate.
Chapter 3
Walking into the living room was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but as I saw Anna, I instantly relaxed and began to think that things might be alright after all.
The three women were sitting down and chatting amiably. CJ in her pristine skirt suit, back perfectly straight and toned legs crossed in front of her. Sarah in her usual flowing summer dress, her dark curls pinned up behind her head, revealing the pale length of her slender neck. My employers were both focused on Anna, who sat between them, engrossed by a story that CJ was telling.
My heart skipped a beat as I set eyes on my best friend, a sudden wave of relief washing over me as I realized how much I’d missed her. Anna was tall, nearly as tall as CJ, and athletic, with an almost masculine beauty that was both friendly and warm and deeply sexy. Her long brown hair was held back in a ponytail and she was wearing a tight white t-shirt and powder blue shorts, with gleaming white sneakers that contrasted with the deep tan on her toned legs.
As I entered the room, my friend looked up and caught sight of me, then leaped to her feet and bounded across the room in a handful of steps. She embraced me warmly, and I felt myself engulfed by the warmth of her hug and the strength of her arms. I glanced at CJ over Anna’s shoulder and found myself unsurprised to find my mistress smirking with amusement. Sarah, for her part, had adopted her usual blank expression.
“Oh Leanne! It’s so good to see you!” exclaimed Anna. “I was so worried about you!” Her eyes flicked down at my body, noticing the uniform for the first time. “Love the look!” she said with a sarcastic wink.
“I’m fine, really,” I said, feeling genuinely happy to see her, the stress of the visit fading away to virtually nothing.
“Come sit with us,” said Anna, taking my hand, “CJ was telling me about how she and Sarah met. It’s a delightful story!” she added, and I felt a pang of jealousy that even I didn’t know this tale.
We stepped across the room and sat down on the large couch between CJ and Sarah.
“Oh, I think we’ve heard enough about me,” purred CJ, oozing charm and warmth. “Why don’t you tell us about Leanne? She’s really become part of the family since we took her on, haven’t you Leanne?” she added, reaching across and patting me on my knee.
“Yes, mis-,” I began, catching myself, “Yes, CJ. I’ve been very happy here.”
Anna looked at me quizzically, a momentary expression that faded quickly. “Well,” she began, “Leanne and I met in college. We shared a dorm room,” she said, looking at me wistfully as we both remembered those happy days.
“You shared a room together did you?” replied CJ, a lurid smirk spreading across her face. “I bet you college girls got up to all kinds of naughtiness,” she added with a wink.
“I… uh… yes, I guess,” said Anna, confused by the tone. “Anyway, after college, we both moved to the city and here we are.”
CJ smiled at her, and waited for her to speak again, creating an awkward pause of silence.
Anna glanced around, not sure what was happening, unaware that this was all part of CJ’s game, her need to control, to dominate every situation. “So… Leanne, what is it you do here?” she asked me.
Before I could speak, CJ jumped in and answered for me. “Leanne is my housekeeper. My maid, if you like,” she said, probing and testing Anna with her words, attempting to provoke a reaction.
“Okay,” replied Anna. “Do you let your maids speak for themselves?” she said accusingly.
CJ smiled warmly. “Of course I do. Do you want to add anything Leanne? About your job and the kind of things you do here?” she asked me directly.
I gasped, realizing that this situation was escalating out of control. Out of my control at least, CJ knew exactly what was happening. “No CJ, as you said, I work as your maid.”
Anna glanced between me and CJ, a look of mounting concern on her face. “Okay guys, what’s the joke?” she said uncertainly.
CJ sat back and crossed her hands around her knees and fixed me with a purposeful glare. “There’s no joke Anna. Leanne is simply my maid. She cleans, cooks, takes care of Sarah and me. She’s very good, very efficient, very thorough. Very … obliging.”
Anna raised her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
CJ touched her hand to Anna’s shapely thigh and smiled broadly. “Perhaps it’s better if I show you?” she said, and my heart sank. I squirmed in the seat, wondering what she was going to do.
For an eternity of seconds, we sat in silence. CJ enjoying her moment of triumph, Anna utterly bewildered, unable to process what was happening.
“Kiss Sarah, please Leanne,” CJ finally said and sat back.
Anna and I gasped simultaneously, but for very different reasons. I looked up at my friend, meeting her gaze and feeling a pang of regret that she’d been dragged into my complicated life. “You don’t have to do this Leanne,” she said, her eyes filled with confusion and uncertainty. “Whatever this woman has done to you, we can get help, we can get you away from here.”
I peered at her, feeling dislocated from my body, scarcely able to believe that this was happening. My pretty friend Anna, so wilful and daring, always the one to seek out new thrills and new experiences. Yet Anna belonged to my old life, the one I’d left behind when I came to live with the Goddards. Then I glanced beyond Anna to CJ, gazing at the pair of us with an air of self-assured certainty that was irresistible and impossible to ignore. She met my gaze and smiled, a viper smile that was both venomous and compelling.
“Kiss Sarah,” she whispered, not needing to raise her voice to convey the weight of her request. I let her words spill over me, flooding my mind with an urge to obey, to submit. Then I looked back at Anna and touched her arm.
“I… want to…” I said with as much sincerity as I could muster, then turned my body to face Sarah. The petite brunette was waiting for me, her pretty mouth parted slightly, dark red lips glistening and inviting. I leaned to her and felt her warm breath on my face, quick and urgent and brimming with desire.
Our lips touched and I felt a jolt of electricity ripple through my body. The joy of the familiar and the forbidden thrill of this submissive display. Gone were thoughts of judgement and implication, it no longer mattered that Anna was looking on thinking goodness knows what. All that mattered now were the whims of my mistress and the taste of Sarah on my mouth. I pushed forwards with my tongue, seeking to explore the brunette and she allowed me entry, taking my tongue between her lips and meeting me with her own. My arms raised to hold her, moving without conscious thought, needing only to maximise the burning points of contact between us. My right hand wrapped her neck, slender and delicate and feverishly hot. I pulled her towards me, locking us together in our passionate dance. My left hand fell to her naked thigh and gently forced her legs
apart, caressing the smooth skin and relishing the way she responded to my touch.
As we kissed, I sensed movement behind me. “This isn’t right! What have you done to her, you bitch?” cried Anna, standing up from the couch.
Even without looking, I swear I could sense the expression of commanding amusement as it took hold of CJ’s face, my mistress enjoying every second of this sordid display of power.
“What have I done to her Anna?” said CJ, as Sarah’s hand lifted to my breast and began to eagerly knead that sensitive globe of flesh. “Why, I’ve done nothing that Leanne didn’t want to do herself. She’s free to leave our agreement at anytime. In fact, she could even keep her job. She’s a good maid, quite apart from her unique talents between the sheets.”
I felt my face flush with pride, warmed by the rare praise from my mistress. I tightened my grip on Sarah, pushing my tongue against hers and sliding our lips together with frantic abandon.
“But… I don’t…” stammered Anna. I sensed that the fight was going out of her.
“Why don’t we leave it up to Leanne,” purred CJ. “Leanne, would you like to leave with Anna? You’re perfectly free to go, it’s entirely up to you,” she added.
I sensed Anna turn towards me and the weight of her imploring gaze. “Come on Leanne, let’s go, let’s get you help. We can leave right now.”
I broke off from Sarah’s mouth and turned to face Anna. Immediately, Sarah shifted her body and leaned in to my neck, kissing and licking me there, then she moved to my ear and began to nibble my earlobe with tiny nips that sent waves of pleasure through my body. I shuddered involuntarily, then raised my eyes to Anna, struggling to appear as sincere as I possibly could, wishing only to convey my genuine desires and banish any thought from Anna’s mind that this was anything other than what I wanted.
“I’m sorry Anna,” I said, surprised by the steady tone and assured certainty in my voice, “I belong to CJ and Sarah now, this is my home.”
“But…” said Anna, shaking her head in disbelief. But there was something else, another emotion on her face, hidden deeper but bubbling to the surface in fleeting glimpses. I realized with a sudden flush that Anna was enjoying this, though she likely didn’t know it herself yet. Something in the way her eyes sparkled as she studied Sarah and me, the way her gaze flicked to Sarah’s hands as they massaged my breasts with glorious enthusiasm.
“I think that settles it then,” said CJ from far away. “Now, sit down again please Anna. The show isn’t over yet,” she added with a supreme confidence that was so terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure. I wondered what she had in store for us next, and felt the growing ball of fire in my pussy pulse and burn at the prospect.
“Okay,” whispered Anna, her voice tiny and quiet as she yielded to the powerful blonde and her sordid whims. I felt her brush past my leg as she moved back to the sofa.
“Sarah dear,” said CJ, “sit on Leanne’s face.”
My heart leaped. This was a familiar request from our mistress. She enjoyed to watch her wife ride my tongue, and Sarah enjoyed it more than anything else we did together. Anna was in for quite a show.
Reluctantly, I pulled away from Sarah’s mouth and our eyes met as we pulled apart. An unspoken signal flashed between us, a silent phrase that was equal parts love and lust. I felt unbearably close to Sarah at this moment, and longed to feel her body against mine, to explore her, inside and out. I slid off the sofa to the floor and crawled over to the thick rug that lay before the fireside. I turned around, glancing back at Anna to find her staring at me with a look of hungry puzzlement. I realized that a part of her was still resistant, still unable to process what was happening. But the looming beast of her desire was in control now, holding her in place and allowing the scene to unfold.
I lay back on the rug and stretched my legs out before me, waiting to play my part in CJ’s erotic performance. At once, Sarah fell to the floor, crawling towards the fireside as I had done seconds before. She studied me as she moved, stalking her prey like a hunting tiger. She stopped beside my head, then dropped her mouth to mine and kissed me tenderly. No longer the frantic hunger from before, this kiss was gentle and loving, a sincere thank you for the gift that I was about to give her.
Then she sat back on her heels and a look of hunger spread across her face, her chest and neck glowing with the hot flush of desire. She peered down at me with desperate longing, then reached down to pull the hem of her loose dress up and over her head, flinging the garment to the side with not a single care about where it landed.
From across the room, I heard Anna gasp as Sarah’s naked body was revealed. She wore no underwear, and her pale, tiny body was magnificent and firm. I felt my heart race, relentless desire taking hold of me as it did whenever I saw the brunette’s perfect breasts, the flat expanse of her stomach, the creamy curve of her toned thighs. I glanced down between her legs to the smooth void between her thighs and followed the neat line of her pussy lips. With no surprise at all, I found it gleaming and slick, wet with need and insanely inviting.
I looked up at her and pleaded with my eyes. Give me it, was the message that flashed between us, a demanding insistence that she could not resist.
Sarah shifted her weight and swung her leg across my body until she was kneeling over my face, her lower legs pinning my shoulders down. I peered up at her sex and she responded by plunging her fingers into her lips and parting them to me, revealing the soft, pink flesh inside.
“Leanne,” came Anna’s voice from across the room, “you don’t have to do this…” she said, but trailed off to nothing, the last feeble vestiges of her resistance crumbling away as Sarah lowered herself onto my face. She gasped and, as the cloying wetness of Sarah’s pussy settled around me, I realized that this was no longer a gasp of surprise or revulsion, but of lust. Anna was a part of our world now, a willing participant in the lesbian passion that would follow.
Distantly, I wondered what my best friend tasted like, what it would be to kiss her, but before I could dwell on this thought, I was smothered by the intoxicating presence of Sarah.
Without thinking, driven only by animal desire, I pushed out my tongue and plunged it deep into Sarah’s pussy, lapping at her slick folds. The brunette responded instantly, crying out as my hot tongue brushed her throbbing clitoris. Her body tensed and shook with each insistent lick. I felt her hips push down, locking me in place against the floor, trapping me in this damp prison. But I didn’t care. I surrendered myself voluntarily, desperate for every precious taste of my mistress.
I breathed deeply, savoring the smell of her, the bold musk of her arousal, so rich and alive. I relished the way her hips moved, grinding against my face with gentle motions, small at first, but a tiny sign of bigger things to come, I knew. And as Sarah’s pleasure grew, so did my own. The growing ball of flame in my pussy pulsed and throbbed, white tendrils of desires spreading out into my body. I felt myself losing control, releasing myself into the intensity of the moment. The closeness of Sarah, the nervous trepidation and inquisitive stare of my best friend, and the ever watchful presence of CJ and her utter control.
With an enormous force of will, I pulled my attention back to Sarah, ignoring my intense hunger and growing desire for a moment. I shifted my body slightly so that my tongue was on her clitoris, drawing spiralling swirls on that sensitive nub. Above me, the winsome brunette cried about, “Ah, ah, ah!” Then she dropped her hands down and gripped my head, fingers plunging into my honey blonde curls and pulling my face upwards.
I capitulated, allowing her to guide my movements, control my body in any way that she saw fit. I was hers now, an object with one purpose: her pleasure. She took the gift of my submission and used it, moving her hips against my face, grinding her clitoris into my chin, my mouth, my tongue, my nose, seeking any purchase that she could in pursuit of her ultimate destination.
From across the room, I heard Anna moan and I glanced to the side. My friend was leaning back in the sofa, knea
ding her breasts and stroking her pussy through the thin material of her shorts. At that moment, I wanted her, wanted her more than anything else, and I fervently prayed that CJ would grant me my wish.
But for now, I had other duties, and I sensed that Sarah was close to her climax. I lifted my arms as far as I could and coiled them around the elfin woman’s slender thighs, pulling myself ever closer until my world was consumed by her dripping labia and pulsating clitoris. Then I attacked her once more with furious abandon, pressing down on her, pulling her wet flesh into my mouth and pushing down on her with my tongue, squashing her against her pelvic bone.
Sarah screamed now, and I sensed her breathing quicken, quick pants through her open mouth. “Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!” she cried out and threw her head back. Then her entire body tensed and the tiny tendons on her neck popped out as the furious surge of the orgasm raced through her. I felt her hands grip me tighter and her thighs wrap around my head, smothering me yet further. She began to moan, a panicked response to the forces that raged with her. I began to feel a rising feeling of disquiet myself as I struggled for air, the helplessness and claustrophobia somehow amplifying my own pleasure.
And then Sarah relaxed. Her body deflated as though punctured. She sat back and released my head, allowing me to rest back on the rug and draw precious breath into my body. Her head hung forwards; damp, dark curls falling over her face in lazy tumbles. Her neck and chest were glowing red, the cooling embers of her furious climax. I gazed at her, captivated by her beauty and hungry for her body.
At that moment, I never wanted to leave, never wanted to be away from the overwhelming presence of her pussy.
From a million miles away, CJ finally spoke once more. “It’s so nice to have Leanne’s friends over to visit,” she purred. I glanced over to see Anna lying back on the sofa looking bewildered and harried. “Are you enjoying yourself dear?” added CJ, stroking Anna’s naked thigh.
Anna flinched away from her touch, as though CJ’s hand was burning hot. “Y-yes,” she stammered, never once taking her eyes off Sarah and me.